Had a great day showing at my local show The Royal Cheshire County Show. The weather wasnโt amazing but there were some big classes with over 50 Valais sheep on show.
My Cheshire flock did me proud winning 5 of the 6 classes and I was delighted to win Supreme Champion Valais and Reserve Champion Valais.๐
Huge well done to all the other competitors as there was some tough competition and great sheep on show. It was great to catch up with other breeders as thatโs one of my favourite parts and a big thanks to @JennyCampbellValais Blacknose Sheep SuffolkValaisblacknosesheepsuffolk and Alex Burch @Valaisblacknosesheepbirchfield who were kind enough to help hold the sheep for me in the championship row ๐๐
Big thanks to the judge and his assistant Jamie Wood and Susan Mullen and to all the organisers of a well ran show in some wet weather. ๐
๐ 1st Aged Tup
๐ 2nd & 4th with Shearling Ram
๐ 1st & 2 & 3rd Ram Lamb
๐ 1st & 2nd Aged Ewe
๐ 1st & 2nd & 3rd Shearling Ewe class
๐ 1st & 2nd & 3rd with Ewe Lamb
๐ Supreme Breed Champion
๐ Reserve Supreme Champion
๐ Male Champion
๐ Female Champion
Had a great day showing at my local show The Royal Cheshire County Show
6 July 2023