I have some North of England Mules in Lamb to a pure breed Valais Blacknose Ram and also some that are empty that have lambed already this year looking for new postcodes.
I have 3 left in Lamb with Twins due end of June
The lambs born will be half Valais Blacknose and half North of England Mule .
They Ewes big and powerful and are around 30 months old.
All sheep have had Toxovax,Enzovax,Heptivac, Footvax, Wormed, Bolus,Vitamin Drench and D3 Drench so are ready to go.
10 mins from Manchester Airport
Pm me for details
I have some North of England Mules in Lamb to a pure breed Valais Blacknose Ram and also some that are empty that have lambed already this year looking for new postcodes
10 April 2021